Installation, Sculpture, Video
‘Tales from the Line’ addresses and expands the concept and expectations of visibility and invisibility of labor: physical, often exhausting, dehumanizing, and most of the times pointless. It creates unusual relationships between bodies and machines as a way to scrutinize the realities of global capitalism, dominated by the rampant production, distribution, and consumption of objects. This research and installation connects seemingly disparate places and things to create elaborate and subversive visual narratives by weaving fact and fiction together, highlighting the inherent beauty and absurdity of our contemporary existence.
The medium of video art is implicated in the industrial process, not only because it employs technologies produced in factories but also because its temporality— the endless playback loop, the suggestion that the activity depicted is contemporaneous and ongoing— captures the repetitious nature of labor.
The installation presents a large body of sculptures/ tools/ work stations/ machines which ultimately will produce something literally inconsumable in exchange for an excessive and meaningless amount of labor, a metaphor for capitalism’s will to nothingness. It mixes reality and fantasy to such a degree that distinctions between the two become imperceptible.